Smelly Drain: 5 Home Remedies You Can Do to Remove It


Are you smelling some nasty stink coming out of your drains? If you do, you are not alone. Smelly drains are a common situation in most households. Sometimes it is due to bacteria build-up or a clog. Other times, it could be because of your dry p-trap or your garbage disposal. No matter the cause, this article will teach you different methods of getting rid of the unpleasant smell. 

Method 1: Using Soapy Boiling Water

Here is how you can remove the smell using just soap and water:

  • Get a pan and fill it with water.
  • Heat it up until it boils.
  • Mix it with soap.
  • Pour the boiling soapy water down the drain. Do this slowly.
  • Wait for a few minutes before you repeat the process. 
  • Finish it off by turning on your faucet and letting the cold water run down the drain. That would help remove the hardened residues in your drain.

Method 2: Using Salt and Lemon Peels

Salt and lemon are known ingredients for cleaning and removing odor, and you can use them to remove the smell from your drain.

  • Grab a handful of salt.
  • Throw them down the garbage disposal by your kitchen sink. Make sure to target the sides to remove any possible residue. 
  • Get some lemon peels and ground them.
  • Throw them to the garbage disposal too. 
  • You would immediately smell the scent of the lemon after.

Method 3: White Vinegar and Baking Soda

These two ingredients are also famous for creating cleaning wonders in the kitchen. Use it to remove the odor and clogs from your drain too.

  • Get hot water and pour it down the drain. 
  • Get two cups of vinegar and boil it. 
  • Get one to two cups of baking soda and pour it down the drain plug hole. 
  • Once the vinegar is boiling, pour it down the drain. 
  • Expect to see a reaction between the vinegar and the baking soda. You should hear it foaming up. 
  • Allow it to stay down the drain for one to two hours. 
  • Pour another hot water down the drain. 

There is no need to wait until your drain smells before you begin this step. You can do it regularly to avoid worsening the situation.  

Method 4: Baking Soda and Lemon Juice

Here is another method to improve the smell using lemon:

  • Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. 
  • Add the baking soda.
  • Pour the mixture down the drain. You should hear a fizzy bubbling action between the two. 
  • Let it stay there for an hour.
  • Pour hot water down the drain to finish it off. 

Method 5: Using Salt and Baking Soda

Here is a mixture you can by using salt and baking soda:

  • Pour equal amounts of salt and baking soda into a container.
  • Pour it down the drain. 
  • Let it stay there for a few hours. 
  • Finish it by flushing down the mixture with water.


These are just some of the many solutions you can do at home. Try them and see which ones work for your drains best. Still, the best way to avoid a stinky drain is to pay attention to it. Keep it smelling fresh by regularly cleaning it and ensuring that it is free from dirt and grime. 

If the methods here are not working for you, you might need a cleaning service from professionals. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing is your reliable plumber in Hopland, CA, as well as Lakeport, Ukiah, Clearlake, Willits, and Middletown. Whether it is a problem with your drains and sewers or water heaters and others, we got you covered! Contact us today!